It's 0830 and my morning has already felt really productive.

I'm still settling back into the routine of my daughter being back at school, which means that instead of having to work out before school starts, I can go to the gym after dropping her off. Which means I can go back to getting some work done in the morning.
This morning has been great. I've paid my associates (literally one of the favourite bits of my job!), ticked off lots of small tasks, created time blocks for bigger projects, sorted my snacks for the day, written down a handful of 'ooh, must remember to do these at some time' tasks and will still have time for a 10 minute break before heading out of the door.
All of the tips on this list really work for me to make a productive morning. What works for you?
(Also, keep an eye on the blog later this week for a post on the ultimate organised guide to Christmas crafting. If you have a Christmas craft that you'd like to see in this post, then get in touch - I'll also be doing a series of posts on being organised so you don't enter the holiday season feeling frazzled, overwhelmed and over-committed.)